
Delivering a World-Class Open Enrollment Experience

September 15, 2021

Join us as we discuss how you can leverage this open enrollment season to increase employee participation, manage vendor and internal stakeholders, and create a robust communication strategy.

It’s no doubt that the everyday environment has changed for many, given the impacts of the pandemic. Open enrollment is quickly approaching, and your organization is likely needing to prepare for some significant changes ahead. There may be quite a few updates and changes to bring to your employees’ attention, from new healthcare plan designs, various services, and carriers to limited on-site options and different enrollment processes.

We'll dive into...

  • The new benefits and HR trends that address the COVID-19 pandemic
  • How to engage your employees virtually in the open enrollment process
  • What you need to know about the new transparency and coverage rule

Hosted by:


Shari Simpson

Senior Manager Thought Leadership

Katie Brown

Benefits Manager
